jeudi 4 février 2016

Twitter : which tools to manage your influence ?

Which tools to manage your Twitter account ?

1) Determine the perfect time to Tweet

This tools will allow you to find the best time to post your Tweets according to your audience.
Twetriod allow you to analyze when your followers are connected to Twitter and when they see your Tweets. It's a nice tool that you may use combined to an interactions analysis tool that will tell you more about your likes et retweets.

2) Planify your posts

You can use this tools in order to program your Tweets
With Buffer, connect every one of your Social Media accounts and planify your publications just as you wish.

3) Find influencers in your field

How to reach influent profiles on Twitter ?

Klout will show you the most famous experts of the field you want (communication, marketing, social media, search engine optimisation...) according to his ranking algorism (Klout Score).

Klear allow you to search for influencers categoried by "field of expertise" and geographical zone.

With Socedoyou can track influencers and follow them directly. This is a usefull and complete soft to analyze your follow-back and automate personnal welcome messages.

4) Automate (and personalize) welcome messages

This tools will allow you to configure #welcometweet

Unfollowers can be used in order to program automatic posts to welcome your followers

How to automate your direct messages ?
Crowdfire will give you access to many possibilities such as automatized private messages that you could send to each new follower. Perfect to wish every follower of you a warm welcome on your Tweetline ;-)

5) Monitor your Twitter account

How to track and analyze my Twitter account's statistics ?

Twitter Counter will give you some precious informations about your Twitter account's statistics. I'm sure you will find many usefull informations there in order to optimize your social media strategy.

Some tools to go further

6) Online keyword mention tracking

Who is talking about you or your brand on the Internet ?

Parameter some automatic alerts with Talkwalker Alerts. Just choose the Keywords you want to track on the internet (websites, blogs, forums...) , and your email adress in order to receive free alerts every time a webpage with your keywords is found on the Internet. 

This tool doesn't work for social media mentions.

Google Alerts are still available but this is not the best tool as it doesn't find as many content as competitors such As Talkwalker. But it's a free tool you can use additionnaly. 

What is told about you on Social Media ?

Track every mention of your Twitter account or keywords with Alerti. This tools is working really well on Twitter.

Mention allow you to monitor every single social media in order to follow your "mentions" (account name, keyword...)This tool is also offering a premium paying account with many features usefull to analyze and manage your global e-reputation.

7) Outils de e-réputation

What is your online influence ?

Klout is a popular tool measuring de online influenceof your social media accounts. Once you will have connected your accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin...),  this tools will calcul your "Klout Score", from 0 to 100 in order to inform about your popularity score on social medias.

Kred seems to be the reference in online influence measuring. But I didn't had the time to test it, will soon be done ;-)

What is told about you and your homonymes ?

Yatedo is a monitoring tool I find quite efficient to track, qualify et save the mentions relative to a personnal profile or a brand term. It will also allow you to find your homonymes on the internet, on social medias, in Youtube's videos...

    8) All-in-One tools (paying)

    Complete tools are available to manage all your monitoring, social media marketing, influence and e-reputation. I have benchmarked this tools and will soon be writting a post on paying professionnal social media marketing solutions. As this topic concerns free tools I will just tell you about two wonderfull tools your can try :

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